Originally Posted by vipor
too much 
Well how much I payed for it, is a long story and this is how it goes...
I saw moto was selling his Stock NISMO CBE here on the forums and did some quick research. I found the NISMO S-tune (which is not this exhaust, which I didn't realize at the time) and quoted him the price i found and then compared hp #'s to an FI CBE and offered $500, thinking I would work my way up to about $600 (not including shipping).
After talking to him a bit, I told him I was glad I finally found a good deal on an CBE because I couldn't afford the $1200 plus CBE's everyone else was selling, since my wife was 3 months preggo (at the time) and money was tight...
Then he did something un-heard of... He offered me his stock NISMO CBE for about $200 less than what I quoted him!
He said that he was ok with his finances and that he was happy to help a fellow Z'er out, especially one with a baby on the way.
Moto's a great guy and his word is as good as gold. I also, wouldn't even dream of selling this exhaust without his blessing, which I have.
So, there it is, long story short... I know that telling everyone this, may keep people from buying the exhaust, but why lie about it...
Integrity and honesty wins you friends and that is worth more than any amount of money in the end.