Yesterday at the shopping center with GF in the 370... A bunch of guys crossing the road across on the other side of the intersection must have gotten neck cramps oogling the car - one guy actually stopped and stared as I passed... then for kicks, I asked the GF to keep an eye on them as I goosed it a little... the FI exhaust roared its deep throated growl and the guys stopped and turned to look again... It was hilarious and oh so good!
Today, passing a NAPA auto parts store I noticed two of the NAPA employees standing out there taking a break - as I got to the light in front of the store one of the guys put his hand up to his ear - signaling me to rev it up... of course I did as I sat at the light - I promise you, the guy clasped his hands together as if he was having a religious experience! There I was laughing my butt off as I roared away from the light for a about 50 yards before I had to slow back down on account of traffic...
I am SO proud of my Baby!
