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Old 04-08-2016, 10:23 AM   #18 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2013
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Posts: 233
Drives: Nismo Z
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Rahul718 is on a distinguished road

I'm running the AAM catback with 5" tips for the Nismo. I LOVE the sound as it's not obnoxiously loud and I feel this is how a sports car should sound from the factory. The quality of the kit is impeccable too. Which makes me wonder...

How come there isn't much talk about the AAM catback here on the forums? Everyone is always talking about Fast Intentions or ARK. I'm sure those are great systems and if I had one of those instead, I'm sure I'd be in line to advocate that choice. The AAM isn't cheap also and is in the same price range as the FI system. HP gains with the AAM, from what I've read and researched here, are in the same ballpark (maybe a little less) as the FI system.

So I'm just wondering why AAM doesn't seem to get as much support as the others
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