Originally Posted by LA370z
Good things come to those that wait
3 more years? yea I highly doubt the Z will even be worth it or competitive at that point.
right now if they released a 3200 lb 400-450hp TT Z it would sell.
in 3-4 years CF will be even cheaper to put into cars so most of its competitors will be lighter by then. also I'm sure there will be other new cars. also GTRs will be cheaper, Z06 vette will have had 2-4 years of their plummeting depreciation and will cost around 40-50k, alfa guillia will have 2 model years to drop that first year depreciation (idk why but I dig that car lol), etc.....
unless Nissan goes above and beyond and makes a perfect Z it seems like they will just miss the boat. a 10 year cycle for the 370 is just them being lazy.
350 only ran 6 years but then again that turd was 4 years past it's shelf life lol