So my experience with Dynotronics has been less than stellar. Joe is an infuriatingly pleasant soul to speak to on the phone but his service simply doesn’t match up, unfortunately. I started my journey for a retune last July. JULY 2015!! And to this day I have not gotten a “you’re good to go” from him. In fact, there is basically zero feedback from his end other than providing a file.
The following is a transcript of my interactions with him. These are real and time stamped so you can see how long it takes to get a response. Throughout this process I try to be as civil as I can. I’ve only modified my name out of the transcript, which is silly in retrospect but I was already half way through when I decided it wasn’t worth the effort….. so I finished doing it anyway.
I want to make it clear that I do no dislike Joe, but he can take bloody forever to do things. His excuse is always that he has too many customers and requests; to which I can only say, good for him.
Because the transcripts are images and very long, I'm going to include them using spoiler tags so you can hide and unhide as you go.
Page 1: First contact
Page 2: The Follow Up
Page 3: Missing in Action
You will notice that in the final post. I never get a follow up. And I likely never will.
It finally came to the point where my knock sensor was going off way too often. So I bit the bullet and went to Seb and Specialty Z, who took pity on me and didn't charge me too much for a dyno tune.
I will allow the results to speak for themselves.

279whp is the dynotronics tune. 5 minutes later Seb had me sitting pretty at 293whp

End of the day 299whp. 20hp gain, no more check engine light. Sweeeet. I'm not interested in the numbers themselves, just the gains and making the car drivable.
Seb is a magician, be like Seb.
If any one has any questions, go ahead and let me know and I'll do my best to answer them.
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