Advice on a few coilover options? Downsides?
Hey all,
Sorry to add to this topic that is so common. Really I have a budget of $1500-$2000 just for coilovers. Looking at hks hipermax iv, tanabe sustec z40, and have a few people really standing by stance super sports..i have read up on all of these and can't find much actual advice. Is there a true downside to any? Stance I can get as a true coilover...but they are the cheapest of them all. Hks/tanabe if I have issues how much of a nightmare is it to get them rebuilt? My car is mostly a street car I'm looking to auto x 4-5 times a year with for now. I have an amuse kit on my car now and want to get rid of my tein type s springs which are quite a drop. Any advice is appreciated.
Last edited by weebs25; 04-04-2016 at 08:34 PM.