Originally Posted by coolman6566
If you could spread some knowledge on what exhausts have given the best power increases
There is knowledge spread throughout the forum. You are not the first person to ask these questions
Originally Posted by coolman6566
I plan on leaving the stock intake. Maybe changing headers not sure yet. Also, test pipes or hfcs? Again, first priority is power but I don't want something so loud that it is heard from miles away. I have utilized the search function but I have found multiple contradicting answers.
Get some Post-MAF tubes and R2C dry filters for the stock intakes
Test Pipes for power, HFCs for quieter sound.
Of course you found multiple contradicting answers. Because you are asking for contradicting results. Loudness increases with power when it comes to the exhaust system. You can't have both power and quiet unless you want to install some cutouts or buy one of the extremely overpriced exhausts with them built in. If you have already listened to all of the exhaust audio clips, my recommendation is to try to find some local Z's where you can hear their exhausts in person to compare sound. Then find power data for each exhaust from the forum and determine what exhaust works best for YOUR needs