Originally Posted by Haboob
My parents bought my first car (brand new). Granted, it also wasn't the one I wanted, but that was on doctors orders that I couldn't drive a manual at the time.
Then they bought me the one I wanted two years later. I took over payments after three years though. My SRT4 was fun. 
I had to work for mine. Got a job at a gas station, pumping gas at 16. Saved up and bought my first car couple of months later.
My daughter's first car. She said that she wanted a car when she got her licenses. I said job then car. She said car then job. She got both the same day. A 1990 Dodge Shadow that I paid $2,500 for. She was 16 at that time. I said that since you right now working. You are paying for your insurance. Give her some responsible. She gave me $100 a month for her insurance. Which I didn't tell her that I put that money into a savings account. When she got out of school. I bought her a newer used car for college. A 2000 Gran Am. When she turned 21. I turned the car over to her.