Originally Posted by Leingod
Yes. Listen to JAR on this one. I have the same one, but bought from Amazon. It runs fine other than I have to manually turn it on/off every once in a while for it to find the SD card. So it's a knockoff I believe even though mine at least looks identical to the legitimate one.
Yeah, the one I have seems totally cheap and knock off-ish. But it's not expensive, so I wouldn't expect anything too nice. I was ready to spend upwards of $400 on one when I started, but after all the research I did I bought a $60 one. The big key was to make sure you buy it from a legit seller, as there were lots of reports of ones sold on Amazon failing (and the sellers disappearing from the Marketplace). I bought a second one with a coupon spytec gave me a few weeks after the first purchase