So I ensured the connections were solid and still isn't reading my RPM. Ran the red wire from the back of the gauge to Pin 14 and left the ground wire alone as the instructions say. I went through every resolution from 1.5 to 10 and none of them work. The gauge when I turn on the ignition flashes how I have it set up for the shift light but that is all I get. Don't understand why it isn't working. lol Surely it doesn't have something to do with me being 7AT? I have also read a few other places to get the signal like negative lead of injector but didn't want to try it without conformation from someone.
AtA SC|9 lb pulley|2.85" SC|3.47" Jack|E85|CJM S1-SE|ID1000s|Walboro 485|Zeitronix FF|Stillen CBE|AP Racing|Level 10|F.I. Flex plate|Nismo-S tune|EcuTek RaceRom|Sebz|Speed density|Haltech|3GsCustoms Dual pod a-pillar|Carbon Signal GTR gauges|Fujimura|Built| CP Pistons/Carrillo rods|PortPolishHeads/intakes|928motorsports IG: evanosteenz34