Originally Posted by FPenvy
wait..............tx2k is this weekend. how can you possibly expect someone who had no intention on going to an event like that to just jump on the invite? not really something youcan just randomly decided to head to like a meet lol
every hotel is probably booked solid for the last 3 months.
almost like you invited him knowing that it was impossible........  lol
That was part of my unstated point... It's a 20hour drive for me too.. He just has a big ego... Honestly, if he was putting down big power like he eludes to then he would post up some numbers or atleast come to zdayz... But like most keyboard Cowboys they only talk smack on the Internet.
Many of us gave him constructive criticism back when he started this and he called us haters and tried to bash us... But hey to each their own. I prefer to maximize the efficiency of my motor because that means more power with less boost which equals a safer motor... But you know I don't know what the hell I am talking about