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Old 03-11-2016, 03:02 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Drives: 2016 370z coupe
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Default thoughts on FASTEST ACCELERATION 0-60

Proud new owner of my 2016 370z… loving it :happy dance:
I've had it about a month and am starting to really have some fun with it.
I have the MT - was curious what people's thoughts were on the best shift points. - like, if your trying to get to 60 mph as fast as possible, what are the recommended RPM'S for shifting. I am no master, but I am getting decent.
Its seems like if i gas it hard in 1st and get the RPMS up to 5,000 or above before i shift, 2nd its not that smooth. if i shift into 2nd around 3,000 RPMS it seems smoother.
I have been told your obviously not supposed to look, but just listen and feel it for the best time to shift, but wondering if anyone has a rough idea on what the best time to shift is if the goal is the get to 60 as quick as possible and really give my passenger a treat.

also, do you hit 60 mph in 2nd or do you hit it in 3rd ?
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