Originally Posted by Ghostvette
I went back to the body shop that fixed Belle to see about getting the driver's side door and fender buffed out, there's some places that got missed. The missed places aren't horrible, they are just a little foggier than the rest of the paint. Well, the shop has been closed and converted into an office of some kind. They don't know where the body shop moved to. 
Well, this sucks. Any good detail shops near you? I wasn't happy with the buff job the body shop did when I got mine back in December. I thought about taking it back to them, but honestly, I wasn't confident of the job they would do. Took it to a local detail shop and they washed, clay barred, buffed the entire car, and waxed it for about $100. Money well spent having it taken care of by people that know what they're doing. Car looked GREAT when I got it back. Good luck!
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