Originally Posted by SophiaZ
Sorry, can't prove it til a dyno  BUT..I was told by my mechanic..who has built many exotic an domestic cars...said so. He's in-love with my car...being a guy who owns and rebuilt a 1965 Mustang...... 1050 whp!!!!!! He's telling me what I should do to my Z to make it the best...of any Z ever built. Doubt I'll follow thru as I only have so much money
So the truth comes to the surface!Word of mouth by "your mechanic"!Now we are using the new "word of mouth Dyno".
Guy your mechanic don't have a clue and if he truly believes it himself I would bet his stang doesn't have the hp he is telling you?
I would go to a real honest mechanic if I was you before I spend one more dollar at his place!
Bogus numbers could = bogus work!