Ok. I got around to designing a couple more and having them printed.
Here are the new concepts:
This was just to make sure that I had enough of an angle to account for the gap I had in my first design (which shouldn't have happned, but oh well...it did... get over it

Then I designed it with a slanted top edge and a rib to help stabilize it:
And then I thought that it might just be a little too big and would stick out a little too far. And I remembered what pfdaxe said
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Originally Posted by pfdaxe
Seems like a lot of work. I just tucked my excess cord behind kick panel. No visible cord. Problem solved 
So I went back and designed one without the cable management:
So I printed all three and tested out the one with out the cable management and the wire fit nicely behind the panel:
The scratch marks are from when removing the support material. I'm going to sand it down to give it a better finish on the final product.
So far it fits and works great. I might make some more minor tweaks on the angle the phone faces the driver for people who sit further back. And I might try making a full vertical section along the panel to prevent being able to slide it down without having the move the panel (it does take some force to get it to slide down, but under normal insert and removal, it holds up quite nicely).
Hopefully I can get an updated version done by next week. But we shall see.