Originally Posted by falconfixer
Crazy ex girlfriend?
Happened to a buddy of mine ~30 years ago. They ended up together shortly afterward and are happily married today. Not the recommended route to marital bliss though.
Originally Posted by axmea?
All the above and if you don't have one yet, but a gun.
I would strongly advise against this approach in this situation.
Years and years ago, an acquaintance of mine slashed my valve stems on a couple of occasions because I was dating his ex-gf. I guess he wasn't strong enough to slash the tires themselves or was trying to be more surreptitious. I knew it was him "through the grapevine" but never saw him near my car. A couple of nights I parked in a well-lit area and had a rifle ready. Looking in the rear-view mirror, his not showing up on those nights was a blessing for both of us. Without even considering his fate, I am sure that my life would have been changed for the worse. I guess he got over his ex- as my valve stems quit being slashed.