Originally Posted by Junkman2008
This is extremely important. A lot of people think that they are going to have to keep spending large amounts of money to maintain their car. The first time that you do this, you have that initial cost. But like you said, when you see how little of the supplies you end up using, you will quickly realize that you will have enough product to last you for quite a while. The things that you end up constantly buying (depending on how often you wash your car), are the car wash soap (I use Gary Dean's) and the foam gun soap (I use DP's Xtreme Foam Formula). Everything else is going to last you for a while if you are using what I use and doing it the way I do. I wash my car 2-3 times a week so that's why I go through so much soap.
It looks as if you paid close attention to those videos. I wish that I could see your car in person. I could then evaluate whether or not those small remaining scratches could come out. My wet sanding videos show how to remove them if they can but it is ALWAYS safe to live with them. Most people wouldn't notice them any way. Most people don't even notice their swirls!
Good job on the paint man. If I had a Z, black cherry would definitely be the color that I would have. 
Yeah the color is growing on me even more now so, definitely changes color in the right light. I think you could probably get some more scratches out but i can hardly see them even in the right light so i am pretty happy
I have a question. So with the hexlogic pads i have the orange and white. How many uses of the pads will i get before they become ineffective? They look new again after i cleaned them. Do they have a certain about of abrasiveness to them that wears out over time? Or is it the actual design of the pad that cuts?