Originally Posted by Junkman2008
The reason you had issues with the detail spray not working well was because of the BRAND of detail spray that you used. They are all not created equally and the IUDJ that I recommend can be diluted into multiple formulas. There's also Optimum's brand of detail spray that works very well also.
And if you want to maintain the shine you achieved, you should definitely implement those items into your next wash.
That machine is built like a ox. I have had mine for 8 years, trouble free.
Now did you actually use 2000 grit sandpaper on your paint? Because I know from using 2000 grit on paint that you have to use a PERFECT technique with the PC to actually remove that kind of damage. 2000 grit sandpaper damage is on the most OUTER edge of what the PC can remove. As a matter of fact, I won't use a PC to remove that kind of damage. I use a Flex. M105 itself can pretty much remove ANY of the paint sanding grits when used with a capable polisher.
This is why I don't use AIO (all-in-one) products to do paint correction. They NEVER finish down like the 1-2 punch of a compound followed by a polish.
Here's the problem with those cheap, made in China towels. You won't necessarily see the damage right away from using one but over time, you will look at your paint and wonder where in the world all of those scratches are coming from. Every time you use one of those cheap towels, you start unraveling all of the work that you did this weekend. Over time, you will have to repeat all of this work again and I know from experience that the 370Z is not one of those cars where they laid the clear coat on real thick.
In my video, I stress the importance of recognizing what you did wrong to end up with jacked up paint and to avoid repeating those things once your paint has been fixed. Right now, you are starting right back down that very road. Three words: Eagle Blue Edgeless. You have got to get keen to them if you want to maintain perfect looking paint.
Two words: The Pluffle.
Infinite Use Detail Juice. As an alternative, Optimum's Detail Spray is another good brand. Then you won't have to make the mistake of using water.
Since I didn't go into waxes on these videos, I will state what I use here. I use paste waxes by Collinite. I like both their Super Double-Coat Carnuba Paste Wax and their Marque D’Elegance Carnauba Paste Wax. The latter cost more but last much longer than any other carnuba paste waxes that I've used. The sealants that I use are made by Hi-Temp, particularly their polymer sealant Terminator HT-62.
I understand that people want to save money and that's why they cut corners. But a LOT of what you buy detailing wise will last you for years and is an initial up front one time purchase. Since you're not detailing a Yugo, spend the money and treat your car right. If the Z wasn't a nice car, I wouldn't be posting on this forum. So treat it like it deserves to be treated. When the paint on these cars is right, they stand out like trophy wives (or trophy husbands for all the girls reading  ).
-Yeah i believe it was just the type of the detail spray, I'll have to get some infinite use later on.
-I did use 3M 2000grit sand paper.
-So when you say scratches by the micro fiber, i tested that theory, i took the CG microfiber on an unwaxed 'perfect' piece of paint and dry buffed it hard, i couldn't see any scratches. I'll eventually get the higher end cloths but for what i used them for they worked good. The black cherry paint shows every scratch so it was easy to see if it was damaging it. That being said, i tested the same theory using a Canadian tire simonz micro fiber cloth and it
did actually scratch the paint i was surprised to say the least.
-Just bought the car only had it for a week. I've always hand washed my cars and my last one was vinyl wrapped. I never go to touchless or car washes, so i was mainly fixing the previous owners mistakes. Car has 11000km on it. Admittingly though, i haven't used a 2 bucket wash so that and the foam gun will be used regularly from now on
-The total cost for me was 750 CAN, judging by the amount of materials i used (minus the detail spray and cloths) i would say it will easily last me along time. So the amount of money seems large but for me was worth it.
Here is a picture of the area i wetsanded then polished after. You can see one hairline scratch above the light reflection. I was pretty happy with those results. This is after 3 passes of crosshatched M105 and 2 passes of M205.
So all in all a big thanks again, videos were great and will help lots of people fix bad habits

My car looks better then when i bought it

And on a side note, even thought your videos are long you keep the viewer engaged so i wasnt bored at any time throughout the 2+ hours i watched.