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Old 02-29-2016, 02:12 AM   #1 (permalink)
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6mt370 is on a distinguished road
Default Slashed tires... Advice

Ok so last night my family and I went over to my aunts to play cards. We left around 7 and got home at 12. Today I went to take my daily to work and went to reverse out of the driveway and I take my foot off the clutch and the car felt like the e brake was still somewhat on because it would start rolling but stop immediately. Anyways I took the car out of the driveway to see if something was stuck and my tire pressure light came on and I figured out what had happened unfortunately. Pulled the car back in and noticed that both my rear tires were flat. Intial thought was that I had friends deflate the tires because they knew I wasn't home. Long story short I used my air compressor to put air in the tires to find the leak and both tires had a single stab through the sidewall go figure. I own my Z and my daily is a 15 Dodge Dart. I always park my Z closest to the garage and my dart behind it because the Z is now non oped. In the driveway last night was my Z and dart behind it... My brothers highly modified civic to the right of my Z and my other brothers Saturn behind that... My dads truck to the right of the civic and my grandmas Kia behind the truck. My dart was the only vehicle damaged which is really surprising because whoever did it knows I have my Z. I will be moving my Z to a friends house in another city because I don't plan on driving it till next year and would rather not have someone destroy it. So my question for you guys is... What would you do? I'm almost 100% I know who did it. What can I do to protect my cars? Proximity sensors, dash cams, etc. this is a rather rushed and not a well put together thread because frankly I'm pretty pissed and I'm not going to keep buying new tires for my car and or possible more damage than tires. Help!
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