Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370
Dude really... Did you need to go off on a tangent. All I said is I'm going to try to find more info and see if there was more information to back up that article. Being that it appeared as a Nissan related site I took it as legit.
DATES ARE RELEVANT only as an understanding of what's most current. I tried to find a more legit article and turned up no success.
JALOPNIK being negative to me is only valid as they may not be as interested in the most current news as they call NISSAN BORING.
This thread title ended with ??
Finally. There's nothing wrong with me finding news outside of jalopnik. The other article posted was another off brand site so I'm not posting it as relevant.
Lastly, me being the OP, I just wanted to make sure the site was posting irrelevant news.
Tangent eh? Pot, meet kettle (sorry, I had to).
I was only trying to deliver accurate information and validate the information I provided regarding the IDx. It wasn't my intention to frustrate or anger you.
I know you said to close the thread, but I do appreciate the fact that you took the initiative to create a place to discuss the car. You never know when/if news will pop up on it again.