Originally Posted by ZPirate
That's interesting. I would have thought a loaded up Anniversary would include Navi or at least have the option to add it. I guess it's easier for Nissan to build them all the same way since the production is limited.
Yes, I believe it's much easier for Nissan to have a cookie cutter and make them all as 1 configuration. I have several of dealerships that confirmed with Nissan's Rep it doesn't come with NAV. This pretty much validates with that 40th Anniversary Edition article stating the price be ~$38K MSRP. (which is the same or a little less than the MSRP of a regular fully loaded 6Spd MT, Touring + Sports + NAV) So unless Nissan announced another price for the 40th Anniversary above $40K with NAV, I don't think it's gonna allow NAV as an option. Also, if customers even are allowed to have a say in what we want (such as NAV or NO NAV), we should be customizing these cars already now because they're beginning the production in January. And from what I know, they're gonna just build 1000 units (not a lot) and get it over with at the beginning of the year so they can have the plant move on building regular model 370Zs. I believe Nissan is just gonna distribute a limited amt (1-4 per dealerships, some may not even get any) of these pre-configured 40th Anniversary Edition Z's and the dealership won't even be able to have any say in the way they're built.
I've so far called up a lot of other dealerships and a lot of internet fleet managers have absolutely no clue of this 40th Anniversary Edition and claim that their computer system is letting them input it with the NAV as an option - which I pray god is true because I want a 40th Anniversary Edition with NAV. But they can claim whatever they want, truth be told is most likely when they call their Nissan Rep, they're gonna find out they made a mistake on their computer system forms and we're not able to order it with NAV.
I can say this for sure, not a lot of people in US is willing to pay $2K for factory NAV, (I'm not one of them because I actually am in love with Nissan's Factory NAV and think it's worth that $2K), but $35K for a sports car is already a lot in most people's budget, esp in an economy like this.....not a lot of people can settle for an unpractical car like the 370Z. Unless they really have that kind of a money and be able to get by with a 2 seater, most people need 4 seats even if it's a 2 door.
Unlike Japan or Europe, they have the option of getting the 40th Anniversary Edition with NAV and the Nismo version with Leather and NAV because people would buy it....unlike our base model Nismo 370z - which I'm sure a lot of people would have got if it came with a lot of the practical ammenities that daily drivers would want (i.e. garage opener, electrical seats), but because they know if they do make one with it, people won't want to buy it at a higher cost than it's already expensive $39K MSRP sticker price.
So it's looking pretty discouraging, looks like I'm not gonna be able to get the car of my dreams.

They won't make special request for customers to add NAV because they know for a fact people will still buy them like hot cakes. Plus, I believe not a lot of people are even willing to pay $40k+ for a Nissan Z. Otherwise, they should make a NISMO + 40th Anniversary Edition + NAV for $47K MSRP, and i'd still buy it!

But then again, I believe there are many people on this forum with a regular sports (Non Touring Models) that will disagree with me because they have a better way to spend that money on aftermarket stuff or performance only parts.
Well, this is just what I believe make sense to Nissan and I pray I'm wrong and they do make one with NAV....