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Old 02-22-2016, 08:16 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Houston
Posts: 24
Drives: 2015 Q60s Limited
Rep Power: 10
Whittie is on a distinguished road

So I got out to the track today for an autocross and the car was great!

My peak G loading went from 1.10 to 1.15 lateral G and my sustained long radius sweeper G loading went from 0.95 to 1.02. That's a 5-7% increase JUST IN ALIGNMENT.

The last time out I was 1.8s slower than a gentleman in a Porsche Cayman S and this time I was 0.1s faster, so I am super happy. Tyre temperatures were good, with the inside about 10 degrees hotter than the outside and the middle temp sitting right iin between with the same pressure as before. Tyre wear is alos MUCH better, with the inside of the front tyres showing wear now where-as before they looked untouched. The understeer is gone and now when the front tyres slip they don't make that high-pitched screech that comes from running on the outside edge, instead they give that harsh shudder that shows the whole tyre surface is in contact and slipping over the concrete.

Unfortunately, I did not have a single clean run, I just could not get comfortable with the rear end of the car, which is not unexpected with 0 toe. I'm going to start bumping up the toe in 0.1 degree increments and see how it goes. It was fast around the tight stuff, but I just couldn't get to a happy place with the front having a LOT more grip than the rear, which is a nice change from the horrendous understeer last time out, but not as fast as it could be. Watch this space.

Last time out:

This time out:

Last edited by Whittie; 02-22-2016 at 08:21 AM.
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