By the time I read the manual, I'd already bounced it off redline a couple of times, and had taken it to 6K+ a few more times...
And I didn't change it a whole lot after that, just by that time I figured out that pushing forward on the stick, makes it change up a gear, and down makes it change down a gear...I just couldn't get it through my head for some reason for the first couple weeks, and that, having come from driving a manual for years. Then there's a couple times where I had it in manual mode and forgot, only to bounce it off the revlimiter after leaving a stoplight...
Overall, I could have been a LOT "worse" to it, according to the guidelines in the manual...but given my other vehicles, I was a bit harder on it from the getgo than my other vehicles, but, not terribly so.
IMO, drive it like you're going to drive it from day 1.