Originally Posted by karenf5
I wish I was informed of these issues/quirks before buying the car.
I still love the car but maybe I should have done more homework before purchasing 
You're not going to find much sympathy here. Yes, the Z comes with staggered tires. Yes, the Z eats up tires. If that's a problem, then it's your problem for not doing your research beforehand.
In a 12-15 month period, I typically find myself buying a full set of new tires as well as an intermediate set of rear tires as they wear a lot faster than the fronts. It just comes with the sports car territory. I considered running some rear wheels up front for a square set up that would allow me to rotate tires, but I ended up selling that extra set of wheels before ever doing it.
As for the window maintenance item, get it looked at by a dealer (or qualified mechanic). Especially if it's under warranty. If the idiot dealer excuse is that you're not supposed to drive it cold weather, then tell him to pull his head out of his a$$ and go find another dealer that will actually fix the problem. There's a guy in Canada that drives his Z year round and has over 220K miles on it