Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat
From your post in another thread:
Advice wanted: Yanking the OEM Bose unit for something better?
Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat
Finally someone to relate to lol. Ya I have had my civic apart at least 6 times upgrading amps, subs. and speakers, even head units. But ya if you do it all yourself you are going to save a lot. Just remember to take your time and do not rush.
Originally Posted by cosgrc
I agree, doing it yourself can save big $$$$. I had done car stereo installations for years; it always killed me to see people put as much money if not more into installation (custom installations...some not that involved). The last time I did my system in my car it was apart for mor than 4 months. Had to decide what to go with, figured I could deaden the car during this time. I ended up going with Alpine head unit/processor/dvd changer, Audison for amps, and Focal for speakers. Bottom line, think it out and take your time!
Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat
You should never take your car apart until you have everything.
I will give you props for your knowledge when it comes to car stereo; you seem to know your stuff, but I think your definition of " do not rush" when it comes to installation must be way different than mine.