Originally Posted by Masterbeatty
That's why my wedding was a justice of the piece and cost me $150,( 10 yrs ago). I still get car parts, autocross and I have lots of porn for when I go out to sea. Just no kids yet, as my wife is still in college. The house didn't come till a year ago when we were almost certain to stay in CT.
You could be like my cousin who lived at home till she was 26. She was engaged for 2 yrs to save for a wedding at Disneyland. It cost $40k for the spot and double that for the rest of the crap. 

i believe it. when my wife (then gf) visited me while i lived in socal she wanted to stay at disneyland hotel(?) so i booked a room and guess how much it cost? $450 one night...dat was like in the 90's so probably costs a lot more today.

and it was no different than like a biggish room at the marriot or something with disney character stuff on the wallz.
and the funniest part was i only lived like 45min away.

but we had a good time so it's okay. the steak they served was pretty good.