Another night in the adventures of dealing with the clueless at the auto parts store...
Customer: I need one of these (hands over bulb marked 1157)
Me: Here you go (package of two)
Customer: I only need one
Me: I don't have singles available. I can sell you this pack of 2 or a package of 10. Which would you like?
Customer: I only want one. Are you sure this fits my car?
Me: Did you take it from your car?
Customer: Yes
Me: Then it fits your car.
Customer: How do you know that?
Me: That will be $5.49 for the package of two.
Customer: I only want one....
Me: If I take one out of here and sell it to you, I have to charge you $5.49 for the package of two. I can't have an open package, plus I'll get fired.
Customer: I only want one...
Me: STUART!!!!!! Come deal with this guy before I take away his keys....