Usually guys get mad and don't want to spoon feed. ( use search button or even google ______ item 370z)
But Like stated above get name brand decent parts. Better to buy used qaulity parts then new stuff that won't last or u won't like. Berk ark motordyne couple other ones listed above there. All good names, test pipes come with fumes and cel more then likely, so u will have to account for that. Pretty sure more peak power but lots of guys don't like the fumes. Test pipes seem to be raspier** then high flow cats (less fumes probably no cel) most of the same comapnies make both at good qaulity. But either way your looking at 600$ish.
Stolen G3 always good no one ever seems to complain those or injen seem to be popular. Couple guys run upgraded (bigger) mafs. Google lol. And again another 5-600$ for intakes.
Learned this in my Honda days. Cheap reliable fast, pick two. And queue the Google typing