Originally Posted by StillenZ
KYLE - I know that similar questions have been asked a bunch by now, but I am hoping you can answer this specifically for my application:
I have the cat-back exhaust, the headers and the C/A intake from stillen and I let my dealer talk me out of the HFC's. You have already made it sound like the headers may have not been a good purchase if I was going the S/C route with my car  (Kinda wishin' I woulda held out for the FI. LTH's!!), but either way:
Can you please tell me what your thoughts are on whether or not I should invest in the HFC's to be prepared for the S/C or should I just hold off?
This question actually brings up multiple other questions and answers. This post will be a bit wordy but I will try to keep my answer as short as possible.
First Question: I currently have headers, intake and exhaust, should I invest in high flow cats to be prepared for the supercharger?
First Answer: The combination of these four parts will cause you to run a little bit lean so NO I do not recommend getting the high flow cats in the mean time. I recommend holding off for a bit and waiting for the supercharger. The good thing about the high flow cats is that if you purchase them at the same time as the supercharger, the install shop will probably give you a pretty good deal on the package install since the cats are fairly easy to install.
Second Question: I'm not worried about running too lean with the combination of the intake, headers, exhaust, and high flow cats as I can just get a tune from ACME engineering (yes, that is a fake name, fill in whatever name you want) and that will fix my lean issue!
Second Answer: At this time I do not recommend getting a custom tune done to the car unless you plan on doing your own tuning on the supercharger kit later on. It is my understanding that the current tuner's on the market do not keep your factory tune in place. So, if you tune your car today then you lose your base (factory) map for our tuners later on. This could mean a lot more work later on down the road. Unless there is a tuner available that will remove your factory tuning and then install a custom tune which you can remove later on and replace with the factory tune again, I would recommend holding off on custom tuning.
If I am incorrect about the current offerings for tuning then please let me know and I will edit my post to reflect the correct information.
If you already have headers on your car I wouldn't be bummed or upset about that. I'm just reporting what I've seen in the past with our VQ35 supercharger but this supercharger might be very different. I know the VK56 supercharger that we have for the Nissan Titan and QX56 LOVES the headers...There is still a lot of testing and to be done yet! Don't worry about the small details.