Originally Posted by katjmmx
Oh where to begin!
481 whp and about 391ish tq @ 9psi *on an extremely low reading dyno.* MA can chime in with their 2 cents on that but I'm told it's actually closer to 600. The MAF was maxed out at 9psi.
Oh Daelen, could you please chime in about the piston issue, inquiring minds must know. 
Dyno wise, we use a Dyno Dynamics Unit (The Ole Heart breaker) It is consistently 40-60hp lower number wise than the local DynoJet Numbers. But like Jade said, once you drive it you just don't care anymore. For us it is a tool to provide the best car we can, and it does its job.
You see the MAFs start to run out around 550-600 for these cars on most other Dynos, and with the cams and compression this thing can move some air! Real happy with the performance on such low boost, this thing has plenty of room to go. Built to handle nearly 20 psi before the turbos are out of their range.
As for the delay, we ran into an issue after the break in of the initial engine with a slight noise. After some digging the call was made to pull the motor and inspect. After comparing the assembly notes to disassembly notes it was found that some clearances had changed a slight amount. Not abnormal, and in all honestly it most likely would have been fine and never caused any issues other than a slight noise. (If it was a shop car, would have never even been concerned on the noise) But being a customer car, and the goals Jade had set for the build, we didn't feel right sending it out like that. The parts where replaced, measures where taken to prevent that from ever happening again, and the engine was once again re-built. She runs better than ever before and will be solid for many miles to come!