I lurked a little and couldn't find the thread regarding this choice I apologize if this topic has been brought up before, which I'm sure it has. I would t mind being linked in the right direction of course

. Thank you!
So here it is. My engine is a couple miles away from hitting 111,500 miles. Along with my power train, transmission, and differential. I recently did a 6 puck XTD clutch kit swap (big mistake I know) and its holding out ok though it's got some squeeking on engagement. I am going to reswap the clutch for sure. However I was wondering about my other components? Would it be Hester to look for a newer engine or just have the one I have rebuilt? What if I restore my engine and bore out some 4.0L pistons? Anyone else do this yet? Results? Recs? Anything and everything helps except for Cristisism that just makes people feel bad and doesn't get anyone anywhere so be kind on this thread haha

thanks ahead of time!