Originally Posted by birdman71
For that specific piece for you you wouldn't look at sending your entire bumper anywhere haha (someone said that earlier idk.). There are cover pieces that you can buy to put on there like a wrap. If you were going to go full CF, you would buy the entire bumper CF and then paint it how you want it haha.
The wraps do look good on those little pieces too and add less weight than a cover
Ahh okay, I didn't know they made covers for this bumper already. Might be something I'll look into. Do you happen to know who makes it?
Also you mentioned something about seeing other people's Z's with great looking CF vinyl. Do you know the brand of that as well?
If I have to end up re-wrapping, I'll need to buy more vinyl and I'm always open to trying new brands. The VViVid was nice but it was rather thick and hard to shape.