[QUOTE=TheWolfe;3401541]My school has an Auto Society, but there is absolutely no way I can fit that in my schedule. Another thing is that, if I'm honest, I don't really
enjoy engineering anymore; it's no longer a passion of mine. I don't want to be a dropout though, so I'm in a real pickle.

I kind of want to build guitars (be a luthier if you know what I'm talking about) because I have a wood shop readily available and already started on a template. plus, I have wood to use.

I just don't know, man. I don't know why I just told you my life story atm, either.
EDIT: Typos
Haha I'm not sure what I would do man. I didn't start out in engineering my first year, had to transfer to where I'm at now. Maybe take a semester off just work and think about what you really want to do. If you are already far into your degree I would say tough it out, you don't have to use the degree after you graduate, but it's a great backup to have. I play the guitar, Just picked up an American strat not too long ago, so the guitar building idea sounds pretty awesome!