I'm finishing up college right now (Industrial Engineering Major) and have been modding my Z for the past 2 years. I didn't do much to it for the first year of owning the car though as it was still new to me and I didn't feel the need yet. I like to take the new mods slow because if you rush all of them at once you lose the excitement for the car faster, that and I don't have the money to do everything at once. For me a good mod makes the car feel new all over again. My advice would be to focus on performance before looks, but just my

Mine still looks mostly stock on the exterior. Do all the work on it yourself that you can, there are some great DIY's on this forum. You can do twice the mods if you are not paying for instillation. I definitely feel lucky to be driving such an awesome car at my age. Makes me enjoy my commute everyday, even in Atlanta traffic with the MT

. As for the stickers maybe a little ricy, but who cares it's your car.