Originally Posted by Leingod
MR. Gale has a good sense of humor and got the joke.
that the term 'moose' is extremely derogatory to all canadians 100%?
Originally Posted by Leingod
Kernchan, J-land is getting sake flavored kit kats. I can only hope for some mirin next!
why would u want to drink mirin?
Originally Posted by Leingod
Stupid customer service manager witch. Bitching about me coming over to chat with the department when I have some down time for 10-15 minutes. If you thoroughly believe they are that buried with work and can't be distracted then she has mental issues. Nobody works the full 8-10 hrs daily. And if they're swamped, hire more freaking people. I'm not going to ignore the people who bring me cake and cookies!!!

tell the biotch to go bake u another cake!