Originally Posted by Masterbeatty
Are you sleeping with nicotine patches on. That stuff phucks with you if you leave them on at night.
LOL, thats funny... And I think quite true. My cousin Bobby used to be on those patches and said they were kinda working for him, but eventually he couldn't afford them anymore... So I told him to look on eBay for some cheaper ones. He finds some guy in China selling Nicoret "suppositories". Well he orders a case of them before I could explain that these weren't exactly in the traditional patch form....
Poor old Bobby jabbed about 5 or 6 up there first night before he fell asleep. He said in addition to being pretty sore the next day, his arse smelled like a pack of Marlboro Reds everytime he bent over for about two weeks...
Me and my buddies really teased him. He finally wound up throwing about half a case of them little brown pills in the trash. (Only good thing is that he kept the free pair of chopsticks that came with them).