Originally Posted by njobe89
should have made them give it to you for free... create a big scene 
back in highschool i earned this award for one free large fries for having perfect attendance for the quarter. i saved the coupon until the day i might need it (like the day i forget to bring lunch money

the day came, i ordered fries, ate about half while in line cause them taffyapple lunch ladies are just slow and stupid.
my turn to pay, i showed the lady the coupon. she goes 'it's expired' even though no expiration date stamped. i told her there's no expiration date, i dont have money today so may i have it? (nicely)
she wouldnt give it to me and said i had to pay or give her back the rest of the bag of fries.

so i dunked he rest in my mouth and gave her the empty bag.
other kids were cheering like u take that u dumbf- taffyapple. then she got REALLY pissed and called the assistant principal. i thought i was up shitts creek
assistant principal came and heard the story from both sides, i showed him no expiration date.
he turns to the faking pos garbage taffyapple and told her to give me another bag of fries.