Originally Posted by 2011 Nismo#91
Thats where I stayed last year, it's a really nice place. IMO when I stayed at Fontana for another event it felt like I was at a run down motel.
If you want to do the dragon do it at the break of dawn if you wait till later you'll just be doing 15mph behind the guy on the trike. During the day there are plenty of other amazing roads a little drive away that are pretty much deserted.
The top of the damn is a great place for pics at sunset.
or when we did a run in the day we had 2 cops in front of us and one behind us. also we passed 2 positioned on the dragon running traps.
honestly each year just gets worse and worse with cops and then you have a bunch of people running in the early am so that's becoming a crowded time.
why cant cops just block off the ends of the dragon and run at your own risk speed runs lol
almost like a mini race event. damn public roads.