Originally Posted by motoextreme
Big Time!
I've had 3 of them. Real b$%ch to get parts for. My 2002 had a CAM issue, damn thing sat at the dealer for 3 months. Never did get that CAM replaced so I sent it out, had them fix the lobes and switched out the springs myself. Ended up being a pretty damn fast bike!
That New One is crazy fast...too bad they lost their exclusivity and the design is becoming a little dated. Same bike since 2000 just different paint and motors, time for a new design MV!
Off topic a bit...sorry Mr Gray Market...good luck in Mystery Land, GTR's are bad *** so no matter where you are you'll love it I'm sure. Sure hope you don't need warranty work though. 
yeah thanks! I will enjoy my Z until it arrives. A month I think