Originally Posted by Felix 808
The problem with the OEM VLSD is that it easily overheats & performance falls off fast & will eventually burnout leaving you with 1 tire fire syndrome. I like solutions like the gear driven units from Wavetrac & Quailfe over clutch pack solutions which require more maintenance & most of the time special friction additives. If you are a person who likes spirited driving thru the twistys, the Wavetrac & Quailfe are great options. For competition clutch packs are more positive in their engagement & if it's a drag car nothing beats a spool.
if you are looking for more drive out of the corners, an aftermarket diff will be an improvement over the VLSD
If it had been out when I did my Quailfe & gears, I would have opted for the Wavetrac as it has an advantage as it is able to be tuned.
Well written and good points! Thanks. I live in Florida so most of my driving is in a straight line

I really won't be visiting a track too often either as I want this car to last a longggggg time with little to no maintenance. I might stick with the VLSD but unsure as of yet. If I do switch most people I see are saying the Wavetrac one is the one to go with if you do upgrade!