Originally Posted by FPenvy
did you really just compare speeding (fun) to a terrorist attack?

Yes I did but you are missing the point. Not so much about the attack itself. People make an issue about snitching or making a consious decision not to report criminal activity or as what the op stated, behavior that puts public safety at risk. It is the right thing. In Berdo, the neighbors did not want to be a snitch. Imagine the lives saved.
Originally Posted by NISMO IX
The people that think you are a snitch are probably the same people that believe they can text and drive safely. There is a time and place for everything and going 100mph in a 35mph zone is not one of them! Safety of other road users or pedestrians should be the first thing on any legally responsible driver's mind. If you do this type of thing or believe people who care are snitches, than you have total disregard for human life. I just hope some innocent bystander is not harmed by your actions.
You totally get it. Exactly my point.