Here you are the comparision between 6266 and 6766, the similar boost pressure, about 1.2-1.3 bar decreasing to 1.1 bar in case of 6266. All the dynos are with the HKS EVC 6 Boost Controller.
The key points from my point of view and experience with both turbos:
- 6266 is better for stock engine
- 6266 flow isn't sufficient for boost more than 1.3 >> 1.1 bar - you can see that on the picture, torque and HP peak at 6600RPM are decreasing rapidly, it means the turbo is on his maximum efficiency
- 6766 - the best option in my opinion, turbo lag isn't the issue here, moreover - in my application the spool is even faster!
- 6766 is the better option for the future upgrade
- 6766 spools to the very end, we put 1.4 bar currently and the boost is stable to the end