Originally Posted by MightyBobo
I cant help but chuckle a little when reading through this. In the LSX community, nobody really cares how exhaust looks at ALL. It all comes down to these aspects, in this order generally:
-Dyno-proven power
-Ground Clearance
I see all this titanium this, "only the finest from Japan" that - people need to realize there are probably plenty of domestic manufacturers who make the same crap for much cheaper heh. We aren't talking magic here - the designs are all similar. Mandrel bent steel or titanium, going into mufflers (which are probably very similar). The long and short is, you wont see huge performance gains on a catback. Ever. Maybe a 5 or 6 wheel horsepower at most. Ricers expecting to get 20+ horsepower from their catback, may as well abandon all hope right now.
Until you start working the entire system (headers back), the catback is merely for sound in the end. And if you're willing to blow the RIDICULOUS amounts of money that these big name manufacturers want, why not give your local fab shop a try and have them custom make you a system that will probably perform just as well for cheaper? If you honestly think the only place you can get a decent-performing exhaust is Japan, some people need to get their head checked lol. Just my 2 cents  .
Catback's are merely for sound in the end?only? What are you talking about dude? NO disrespect, but you sound like the ricer. It's possible to gain more then just 5-6whp from an catback especially if there's some backpressure to relieve and some tune. All cars are different maybe if you're talking about a civic that statement might be true. It's just N/A cars don't see as much gain as a turbo'd car because they don't create as much backpressure. I don't know about you but I like:
-Beautiful seemless weldings
-Build quality/presentation
-Perfomance gains
-db levels appropriate for street use.
I'm not rich, but I don't mind paying for quality products.
-Fit and finish