Originally Posted by SpawnAeroJohn
After requesting to be removed as a sponsor I wanted to let everybody know we are ending our sponsorship with this website. We will continue to make 370z parts and thank you to all our supporting customers. I will be messaging over tonight and tomorrow all our customers with pending orders to give alternate contact information so that way nobody feels like they are left in the dust. I look forward to hear from many of you who we have been keeping close terms with and wish everybody the best with their cars! We are not closing our business we are just leaving the forums to obvious reasons. I know many of you will be seeing us around and staying in terms and I am happy with that
Have a good Christmas!
Have a good Christmas? damn, this oregano is some good schitt.
SOLD MY Z MARCH 2018 - another Core OG moves on - new ride 2019 Z Corvette Grand Sport - no mods necessary but already have eyes on HFC and intakes LOL IT NEVER ENDS.