I'm a BmW fan prior to owning the Z.
Hands down BMW are reliable but once you reach the 60k miles to 100k miles the required maintenance cost is astronomical hurt you.
Why do you think BMW only lease their cars up to 30 to 40k miles because once you go beyond this range cost of the car drastically drops due to pending required maintenance. If you can afford an extended warranty then you are good.
Most affluent people they don't buy luxury brand cars they mostly lease them.
They only use them for business and for power play social gatherings.
But a BMW 1 vs a Z? Hmm...
The 1 is nothing like a daily small sized sedan for me.
Go for the big guns the likes of the 335s or the M division if you really want to go the high road of having fast luxurious cars. But that is my opinion.
I'll probably get more attention with my Z than the BMW 1
Last edited by Zoren 370; 12-25-2015 at 12:19 AM.