I dont think there's anything wrong with adjustable stuff, just as long as you know what youre doing and why youre doing it. You have to build up a mental database of what each change does and how it will affect other changes and how everything works together to change the car's behavior.
Like Modshack said, its all about balance. For someone who is starting out, I would say go for a neutral setup with tendency to understeer. Set the rear sway to the softest settings (closest hole to the tips of the bar) and go from there. 99% of drivers' first impulse when they begin to slide is to let go of the gas and even press the brakes. Those are the best things to do when you understeer and the worst things to do when you oversteer. This is why most road cars are setup to understeer from the factory, because its safer for the drivers. I find it a little scary sometimes that beginner drivers think its good to set the rear sway to stiffest and call it a day.
Then it rains, they spin and dont know what happened. Truth is that most of these guys who don't know what they are doing are only safe because they drive their cars so far under the limit that it doesnt matter if the car is poorly setup. Its when you throw in rain or slippery road surfaces that disaster happens.
Dont be one of those guys, understand and learn what the car will do at the limit. Take an HPDE course, go on a wet skidpad, etc. Tons of fun and you learn to really drive the car.