Originally Posted by neveucd
And they are still using the same exact shipper unfortunately for me.  . I understand that if I filed a claim and got a refund, I'm liable to return what has shipped...but that's if anything has shipped in the first place. So far nothing. And as others have mentioned, as soon as that claim goes through, they magically ship the product. Funny how that works out. I'd just appreciate it, if they gave some realistic/truthful information and not just more of the same  I've received weekly. That way I'd know what to expect and could prepare thy 
I can understand that and does seem like the only way people do get contact out of them with everything going on.
I have a feeling that Rich is contacting the people, whose claim's are accepted through Paypal, due to an additional third party mediator which now sets a time limit for Aerojacket to respond to Paypal and get the product to the customer, otherwise they will refund the money and Aerojacket keeps the part, wherever it may be; production, in the shop, shipped, etc.. Also I can see Aerojacket trying to ship the parts to paypal claims people first because it would eliminate Rich having to refund money he doesn't have liquid right now due to recent events.
Just got to keep following up and see what happens. Either way it will get taken care of, Paypal or Aerojacket Parts.
Also for everyone thinking that I am easily talking to Rich through this mess due to knowing things; I haven't had any contact with him from attempts either. I have a feeling it's because this whole mess is going on and I don't have a current order that is being bought or needs delivery and has a claim open personally. Talking to me for the little bit he would about the parts you guys want, wouldn't do much besides delay him working on things to get your guys what you want.
Still trying nonetheless.
What I know is based off a small group of family/friends/business partners. I know Rich hasn't asked me to help out here on the forums and from the jist (what Zero34 said earlier) of it they aren't coming back to the forums.
Being able to feel for Rich at this moment and being his friend and owning parts from him that were delivered (to my apartment and met with me since I live 5 mins from the shop or so) within 2 weeks with production time, makes me believe that this is a major hiccup in his business and personal life and is trying to make right by it the customers that have been out on products.
Want to make sure everything on the forums goes smooth for the forum members that bought parts and need them or need them fixed get helped. Not only will it help alleviate situations like; a worse case scenario here on the forums from happening... again.., customers have products and Aerojacket is able to work through everything owed to old customers, backordered to new customers and build for future business
For the people who have claims out there, How long do you find Aerojacket taking to contact paypal or contacting you. I know I saw a couple of different answers in posts as to when Aerojacket contacted you after the claim was filed. Was wondering more or less days and hours just because if it is within 24 hours of the claim being filed and they contact you, then it does seem like an expedited solution for customers here because Paypal usually gives Sellers on Personal Accounts 30 days to respond. Do not know what deadlines they have to meet as a Paypal Business Account.