Originally Posted by Tigger
I agree with you in that one respect. And if I ever come across any one of those douchebags I'd be happy to use their foreheads for golf tees. And I'm horrible with my swing.
I'll be the first to admit that when I get pissed I will escalate until I'm over the top. But do you understand what I'm saying? The examples I wrote weren't for fun. Those are real people in real need. You can't just go begging people for money. You need to do it for yourself.
And just because some stupid kid is begging for money so he can buy a Tesla doesn't mean you should join the crowd. Those people will get what they deserve eventually. If you really believe you are a good person at heart and are running a little thin right now then re-organize and figure it out. But coming here and begging for money will only draw people like me out of hiding. I stay out of this side of the forum for a reason because there is nothing but rage-inducing insanity here.
I understand. And so many people need real help. The soldier who's screwed by the government. The kid with cerebral palsy. Or the kid with a collapsing home who happened to trade his accord for a z his dream car for the same price range. My house will be failing if I still had my accord lol. Figured the Z would be an even better investment since I only planned to drive it in the summer and it's a brewer ish car. And truck in the winter. ... Both failed... It's all good tho. I'll stay optimistic and hope anyone who asks gets whatever help they need. happy holidays guys. I'll be spending it wishing my dad was still here but knowing he's proud of how much I've been able to accomplish on my own hoping my house doesn't fall on my head. Lol.