My wife, being the awesome woman that she is, ordered me a shirt shifter from TWM for Christmas. We typically open one present a little early, so I got to check it out today and I have some concerns.
It looks like my package was opened, rummaged through and taped closed.
I searched online and saw pictures or how twm generally packages their stuff and it's obvious that either someone went through this carelessly because I can't imagine twm would send something to me like this. Bag ripped open. Instructions hanging out. This isn't even in the typical TWM box.
Also, all the shifters I've seen bare the TWM markings on the actual shifter itself, but mine doesn't. I've reached out to TWM for input this evening and hope to hear back soon. At this point I'm not sure what to think. All the hardware was loose and rolling around in the box. I'm not even sure if everything needed to install is here. Could anyone shed some light on what may have happened here? Anyone have a contact for TWM?

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