Originally Posted by birdman71
Look back some, you would see that people are still receiving their products, slowly, but surely they are. Rich had personal problems that pulled him away from the business. Is it unacceptable for something like this to cease operation. Yes, but it's not like Rich pulled a Sam. It was temporary and once his personal problem settled and was able to go back to Aerojacket production, he is now trying to make things as correct as possible by still getting people their parts.
so no Aerojacket isn't a Shitty vendor.
Rich/Alex sent messages to the others who received packages thus far through this issue. You should be expecting yours. Hoping for the best! 
What does Sam have to do with anything? idk why you bring him up every time, what he did is unacceptable, and sorry to say that people who pay for products don't care what rich is going through, if you know you are having issues and cannot deliver products to people on time then there is a simple solution, ITS CALLED " AT THIS MOMENT WE ARE NOT ACCEPTING ORDERS" simple as that. I understand, Sht happens and i do not blame him, i just don't think you should be running a business half *** when you know you have **** to handle ya know? customers don't deserve to be left pondering with crappy communications and shipment issues. I am not saying that he should not be a vendor as i have heard nothing but great things up until now, but from what i am seeing the way things are being handled, i would not want him to be one until everything is cleared and back to normal, i hope i don't sound like an A-hole. Summed up i think that Rich or whoever is running the business should have stopped taking orders, shipped the remaining orders and taken some time to fix everything. It would ultimately dodge the whole situation people are experiencing now.